The Morning Fire is One

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2021

Join us Sunday, April 4th at 9am ET to celebrate the one year anniversary of our morning fire!

In the Mayan Astrology, we honor 1 Death which holds the energy of Rebirth and Transformation. Come join All Our Relations Fire and its committed team of people to celebrate all the transformations that have happened in the last year, and the sweet transformation that is happening now. 

This morning ceremony guides us to drop into our hearts, together and on purpose, to connect with the divine wisdom that is moving through us. As a result of this ceremony we co-create a container that weaves a beautiful tapestry of connection, inviting and instigating us, to take a breath and tend to our own inner fires, our own souls' purpose, and share blessings with the WErld. 

It is a beautiful gift to begin each day with community, particularly now. Your voices and words are good medicine for the world. We are planning an open house to gather with the morning fire team in the near future, and if there is anything in particular that you would like to see in the morning fire, we invite you to send your thoughts and feedback to [email protected].  


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