Revolutionary Agreement #9

Uncategorized Mar 11, 2021

Each week, in the Connection Field Digest, Linda Rosenthal and Sharon Hardy offer a very brief overview of each agreement, so that each one of us can benefit by living them and enjoying greater inner peace every day. To learn more about these transformative agreements from Marian Head’s book, “Revolutionary Agreements – A Personal Path to Peace on Earth” please visit

The three pillars of the Revolutionary Agreements are Truth, Acceptance, and Gratitude. There are four agreements under each one. 

Agreement Nine: I agree to Give and Receive Thanks

This is the ninth Revolutionary Agreement, the first under the pillar of Gratitude. All four agreements under this last pillar have to do with creating a life filled with love, light, and delight. 

“Gratitude has to do with developing the habit of seeing what’s right rather than what’s wrong; of seeing the best in everything around us.”Marian Head

Unfortunately, in our society today, many people put their energy and focus on blaming, shaming, bullying, judging, gossiping, or espousing negativity in general. Instead, if we want to live in a world that uplifts people and expresses appreciation rather than putting others down, we need to take responsibility to strengthen our own character and emotional stability.

It might take practice but over time we can change negative thoughts and behaviors which show us that it simply feels much better to give thanks, have gratitude for others, uplift them, and express our appreciation with a full heart. 

Besides having gratitude and GIVING thanks as often as possible, the other part of this agreement is equally important…to RECEIVE.

Imagine taking a deep full breath right now. In fact, just do it, don’t imagine. Hold it for a moment. Now slowly begin to exhale….and exhale….continue to exhale…keep exhaling….keep going….don’t stop EXHALING. Keep exhaling….out. out. out.  What happens? Eventually, you need to take another IN-Breath! In other words, it’s nearly impossible to only GIVE (‘exhaling’ your time, your gratitude, your energy, etc.) You must also take time to receive.

Have you ever sincerely complimented someone, and they shrugged it off, changed the subject, dismissed, or minimized your opinion? When that happens, we feel can dishonored, rejected, or hurt as if our gratitude was not truly appreciated. This agreement reminds us to graciously receive when someone else says ‘thank you’ and/or gives us a compliment.

Finally, don’t forget to acknowledge and thank YOURSELF for the positive contributions you make in your home, workplace, and community. Give yourself time for some fun “bragging rights” often. You deserve it. (We are grateful for your choice to live for the good of the whole. Thank you!) 

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward

“Appreciative words are the most powerful force for good on earth!” – George W. Crane

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is “Thank you,” it will be enough.” – Meister Eckhart


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